Visioning Our Future in the Forest


This summer I took part in a 10-week Astrology Art incubator called SPACECRAFT, hosted by Sisterbride Astrology. It was incredible, and I am excited to share some of the work I made in the course in this blog post series.

A piece created for SPACECRAFT, through the lens of my Saturn placement, which is in the 5th house in Sagittarius conjunct Uranus

Everyday at sundown we dance with the trees
They say every hundred years the trees pull up their roots and dance with us
But no one knows when it happened last

The forest is slow, so slow, so methodical (what is 100 years to a tree?)
We’ve been here for decades, listening, absorbing
Watching leaves unfurl, talking with the birds

Sometimes I laugh when I think about the past
Our obsession with dystopic apocalypse, barren landscapes
Even saying “I” feels somewhat passé - a relic of the anthropocene

We know that we will never fully understand our tree kin
And that’s what keeps us here, year after year,
Decade after decade
I’m still learning to trust the slowness of tree time 
(There we go again with those “I’s”)

There are some months we retreat to the canopy
And watch soft embers creep along the forest floor
Like a skunk grazing for food
They, too, move slowly, methodically

Sometimes we are alarmed when a favorite spot ignites
A tightness in our chest makes us want to leap down from our perch and stamp the fire out
But we are learning to trust the forest again

We try instead to envision that favorite spot in spring
When the new sprouts and wildflowers appear
A bounty of color able to stretch and breathe in new space
The trees forever standing witness
And we, dancing, a small part of the whole

If you’re into art + astrology I also highly recommend checking out some of the other work from other artists who have participated in this incubator over on the TNO Gallery website!